GetLine( "label", &var )
Looks for "label" in input file, and places the corresponding sum of
values following that label (until ";") into variable.
| |
GetLineF( "label", &var )
Like GetLine() above, but also writes the result to the output file.
| |
GetLineFnz( "label", &var )
Like GetLine(), but only writes non-zero values to the output file.
| |
GetLine1( "label", &var )
Like GetLine() above, but expects exactly one value (no sum, no semicolon ";" in input file).
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| |
| |
c = SmallerOf( a, b );
Selects smaller of two values.
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c = LargerOf( a, b );
Selects larger of two values.
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c = NotLessThanZero( a );
Selects positive value or zero. Prevents negative values.
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showline( j )
Writes currency value of L[j] to output file with label in nice format.
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shownum( j )
Writes integer value of L[j] to output file with label in nice format.
| |
showline_wmsg( j, "msg" )
Like showline, but adds the provided message to the output line.
| |
ShowLineNonZero( j )
Like showline, but only writes non-zero values.
| |
ShowLineNonZero_wMsg( j, "msg" )
Like showline_wmsg, but only writes non-zero values.
| |
showline_wlabel( "label", var )
For custom line names and variables not in the default L[] array.
| |
showline_wlabelnz( "label", var )
Like showline_wlabel, but only writes non-zero values.
| |
showline_wlabelmsg( "label", var, "msg" )
Like showline_wlabel,but adds the provided message to the output line.
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