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July 2, 2020       (Press your browser's Re-Load button to be sure you are seeing the latest version.)
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OTS updated for the 2019 Tax-Year:

Each package contains US 1040 Fed taxes, Scheds 1-3, A-D, and forms 6251, 8949, & 8889 updated for the 2019 tax-year. Also includes updated State-Tax versions for CA, OH, NC, NJ, VA, PA, NY and MA. Each package includes pre-compiled executables for the given platform, as well as source-code and build-scripts in case re-compiling is ever needed.

For Linux - July 2, 2020
    OpenTaxSolver2019_17.08_linux32.tgz   (5.9-MB)
    OpenTaxSolver2019_17.08_linux64.tgz   (5.9-MB)
- Package is a gzip'd tar-file. To unpack,
      tar xfz OpenTaxSolver2019_17.08_linuxXX.tgz
- Unpacks into a directory of similar name.
- Start by double-clicking or running:   ./Run_taxsolve_GUI
For MS-Windows - July 2, 2020
- Same as above, but zip or 7z formats for easier unpacking on MS-Windows:   (11.1-MB)
    OpenTaxSolver2019_17.08_mswin.7z   (9.2-MB)
- Contains compiled binary executables for MS-Windows PCs, with source-code.
- Start by double-clicking:   Run_taxsolve_GUI       (This just invokes bin\ots_gui2.)
For Apple Mac-OSx - July 2, 2020
- Same as above, but contains executables for Apple Mac-OSX:
    OpenTaxSolver2019_17.08_MacOSx.tgz   (10.4-MB)
- Double-click on package to unpack. Navigate to top directory inside.
- Start by clicking:   Run_taxsolve_GUI
(The first time, you may need to hold down your control-key while clicking on Run_taxsolve_GUI. Then click Open in the menu and then in the small window. Or run from terminal window.)

For increased security, you can authenticate the contents of your downloaded package by checking the sha1sum. See the correct sha1sum for each package by hovering over it above.

Revision History:

  • v17.08 (7/2/2020) - On Fed-1040 Sched-A, added checkbox 5a and line 8d.
        - On VA State form, fixed bar-code at top of form.
        - On MA State form, corrected first two line labels in text file.
        - On NJ State form, added checks for negative taxes, and property tax deduction elegibility.
  • v17.07 (3/14/2020) - Minor improvement to Fed-1040 labeling of lines 11b and 13b.
        - North Carolina fix for Std-Deductions check-box on printed form. - Added printing of Fed-1040 Line 13a.
  • v17.06 (2/27/2020) - Fixes to Fed-1040 Schedule D Tax Worksheet calculations.
  • v17.05 (2/23/2020) - Added HSA Form 8889 under the "Other" forms category.
        - Updated 1040 Sched-A line-3 to latest IRS mid-season change.
        - Improved selection and opening of PDF-Viewer(s) for MS-Windows.
  • v17.04 (2/17/2020) - Added "Occupations" fields to Fed-1040 template.
        - Added input for Sched-D 19, unrecaptured gains.
        - Fixed NJ Medical Expenses worksheet F line 2 calculation.
        - Added ability to see tax-instructions in the GUI for each tax-line,
           by clicking on the line-labels, or elsewhere on a line.
           Populated some instructions for Fed-1040 and CA forms.
  • v17.03 (2/10/2020) - Fixed Fed-Sched2 sum for line 10, and display of Line 18e
           on main form.
        - Fixed California SchedCA540 Line 4 to pull from Fed line 5b.
        - Added DOB lines to California form.
  • v17.02 (2/5/2020) - Fixed California SchedCA540 Line 4 value, and Line 8 to pull
           from Fed-Sched-1.
        - Fixed Virginia Line 18 subtraction lines.
        - Added Options Menu to GUI, with option to force printing of All Forms even
           if not normally needed.
  • v17.01 (2/2/2020) - Fix to US-Fed 1040 Qualified Div&Cap-Gain Worksheet line-1 & Fed-1040 template file.
  • v17.00 (1/31/2020) - Initial beta release for 2019 tax-year.

Please provide feedback on any issues or bugs, by emailing to And check back here for updates.

Prior Year's Versions:

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