MarkupPDF Commands:

Starting with OTS version 16.03 and beyond, there is a capability to add additional mark-ups on the filled-out PDF forms. You can add and maintain these by adding MarkupPDF commands to the bottom of your tax input file, presently via a text editor.

OTS tax programs will intercept "MarkupPDF" commands occurring in a Tax Input File, and will forward them to the Tax Output File, where they will be interpreted by the Universal_PDF_file_modifier which places your desired markups onto the resulting PDF form pages. This gives you the ability to add and maintain you own markups in your tax-input files, which will then show up on your printed tax-forms.

For example, you could use this feature to fill-in answers on the forms, or check boxes, that are not provided by the default OTS programs. You could also use it to re-position or override the values provided by the default programs.

Example Usage - Syntax of line(s) you would add to your tax input file(s):

  1. To specify a value for an existing PDF-tag-name (whose page and position is already defined in the default src/forms metadata.dat file):
            MarkupPDF   tag_name = value
            MarkupPDF   L22 = 567.12

  2. To specify a new mark-up (or to re-position an existing one):
            MarkupPDF( page_number, xpos, ypos ) tag_name = value
            MarkupPDF( 5, 344, 800 ) CountyName = Warthberry
    In this example, "Warthberry" will be added on page 5, at position 344 horizontally, and 800 vertically.
    Note that the page-number refers to the page generated, starting from page 1.
    The xpos and ypos are the horizontal and vertical positions from the top-left of the page, assuming 110 units per inch.
You can add such markup commands at the end of your tax input file using a text-editor. To see the change, you must re-run the tax program and auto-fillout the PDF form.

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