Download Past-Versions of OpenTaxSolver - 2003

April 15, 2004
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OpenTaxSolver is available as source-code for compilation on all platforms. Binary executables are also provided for Microsoft Windows (which often lack compilers). Instructions (Areadme.txt) and examples are included in all versions.

For Linux/Unix:

                (Links to pdf forms provided for convenience only.)

Packages are gzip'd tar files. To unpack, tar xvfz package.tar.gz . (Older versions of tar may need two steps: gunzip package.tar.gz and tar xvf package.tar ). Will unpack into a directory of the same name. (To see contents prior to unpacking, tar tvf package.tar .) Simple compiling instructions included in packages and header comments.

For Microsoft Windows: Binary executables for Microsoft Windows. Pre-compiled. Also includes source, examples and instructions.


Package versions for Microsoft platforms are zipped. Use unzip. Again, unzips into self-contained directory of same name. (Uninstall by simply deleting files in the directory. No registry entries are made.)

Back versions of OpenTaxSolver from previous years can be downloaded from: Typical package sizes are 20-50 KB (small, not megabytes). Logo   .   .   .   OpenTaxSolver Development Project

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