OTS updated for 2018 Tax-Year:
Each package contains US 1040 Fed taxes, Scheds A, B, C, D, and forms 6251 & 8949, updated for most recent 2018 tax-year.
Also includes updated State-Tax versions for CA, OH, NC, NJ, VA, PA, NY and MA.
Each package includes pre-compiled executables for the given platform, as well as
source-code and build-scripts in case re-compiling is ever needed.
For Linux - March 31, 2018
OpenTaxSolver2018_16.06_linux32.tgz (6.4-MB)
OpenTaxSolver2018_16.06_linux64.tgz (6.5-MB)
Package is a gzip'd tar-file. To unpack, tar xfz OpenTaxSolver2018_16.06_linuxXX.tgz
Unpacks into a directory of similar name.
- Start by double-clicking or running: ./Run_taxsolve_GUI
For MS-Windows - March 31, 2018
OpenTaxSolver2018_16.06_mswin.zip (11.7-MB)
OpenTaxSolver2018_16.06_mswin.7z (9.8-MB)
- Same as above, but zip or 7z formats for easier unpacking on MS-Windows.
Contains compiled binary executables for MS-Windows PCs, with source-code.
- Start by double-clicking: Run_taxsolve_GUI
(This just invokes bin\ots_gui2.)
For Apple Mac-OSx - March 31, 2018
OpenTaxSolver2018_16.06_MacOSx.tgz (11-MB)
- Same as above, but contains executables for Apple Mac-OSX.
- Double-click on package to unpack. Navigate to top directory inside.
- Start by clicking: Run_taxsolve_GUI
(The first time, you may need to hold down your control-key while clicking on Run_taxsolve_GUI.
Then click Open in the menu and then in the small window. Or run from terminal window.)
For increased security, you can authenticate the contents of your downloaded package by checking the sha1sum.
See the correct sha1sum for each package by hovering over it above.
Revision History:
v16.06 (3/31/2019) - Fixed GUI-bug that was introduced in last update,
which could cause some line semi-colons, for newly added lines,
to be misplaced in save-files.
Fix to California Part II Adjustments, lines 4a and 6b to display
on PDF form, and line 12a was over-written.
On US 1040, adjusted calling of SocSec_Worksheet after
Schedule-1 line 32, on which it could depend.
v16.05 (3/22/2019) - Improved GUI display formatting, and
save-file formatting. Fixed NJ-State lines 74 + 75, and PDF
positioning of line 17. Fixed GUI issue when loading State
template(s) which did not display spouse fields when importing
joint Federal return.
v16.04 (3/15/2019) - Added optional AMT worksheet line inputs to
the Fed 1040 template. The AMT worksheet lines 2a through 2g now
display in the PDF outputs. The OTS GUI now catches forced kills
by the window manager when user clicks the "X" in the window tab,
which now eliminates hanging zombe processes under MS-Windows.
The "MarkupPDF" construct now supports quoted string values.
This enables proper PDF display of multi-word answers, as well as
explicit/literal character sequences without numeric formating.
v16.03 (3/8/2019) - Added Sched-B Part-III lines to the US-1040
(ticket #63). Added PDF metadata for dependent and occupation
fill-in tags, so users can add these to their results output
file (_out.txt) to fill-out the PDF forms (ticket #64).
Added ability to add additional PDF mark-ups, or change them,
from your Tax Input Files, by adding "MarkupPDF" lines --
documented under OTS's Data Input Format web page.
Added ability to comment-out lines of your result files
(_out.txt) by placing exclamation mark "!" as first character
on a line. Commented lines will be ignored by the PDF generator
(ticket #65). Fixed NY State importing of Fed Sched-1 data
(ticket #66), and warning on line 17 (ticket #67).
v16.02 (2/28/2019) - To the Federal form, added Alimony
recipient info, which is then also imported by some state
forms. Fixed some PDF positioning on federal form,
including fields on the AMT form's second page.
Added option to print all federal forms, even when not
required, use the "-allforms" option.
From California template, removed CA540 line 5 which is
imported from federal form, and broke out line 21 a-f.
Fixed CA540 handling of SocSec payments, and CA540 line 10.
v16.01 (2/26/2019) - A fix to Fed 1040 line 55, as well
as fixes for NJ and CA state programs.
Added Health-Coverage field to federal template.
Improved and added more active fields on several PDF forms.
No longer requires spouse inputs when not filing jointly.
Added alimony recipient fields for those who need it.
v16.00 (2/22/2019) - Initial beta release for 2018 tax-year.