To-Do List
Volunteers frequently ask how to help? Too often we have simply dispatched them to a task at hand.
But as the project gains momentum,
there are actually many things which could suit various interests. So let's keep a list in front of us,
for things which need to be done, maybe nice-to-haves, or requested things still to be addressed.
If any of these interest you, or you think of others, write me.
- Testing - This can entail running the OTS programs, checking how they handle various inputs,
checking the outputs. And reviewing the code-lines against the Tax Instruction booklets.
- Populating Instruction Files - Non-programmers can help populate OTS's interactive instructions.
See Populating Instruction Files.
- Coding - More Forms, More States, extending beyond what is currently handled, more Work-Sheets, etc..
Updating the existing Forms each year. Adding features. Improving GUI's. etc..
- Improved Installer - Sometimes requested as a "Professional" installer, or one that is more typical
of commercial products, which non-technical users may be more familiar with. Presently OTS uses a simple
TAR or ZIP file, which seems very simple -- and which many of us actually prefer over the
"install-shield-wizard" -like products. But it would be nice to offer an alternative for those who want it.
This could be just a self-extracting package. Or it could be something that works with
package managers like, Apt-Get/dpkg, yum/RPM, DNF, or (the dreaded) MS-Registery -- and produces an icon on
your tool-tray.
- E-File - Help to provide E-Filing capability and option for OTS.
- Videos - Instructional or usage videos ...
- Getting the Word Out - Help in letting more people know about OTS. Working social media,
adding/updating listings on FOSS or other software indexing sites, Reviews, Articles, local Craig's Lists,
posters or booths at FOSS events, getting OTS included in repositories and distros,
mentionings on Tax Discussion Groups, ..., etc..
- Tax Help Section - Begin building a set of pages or discussion topic about how to make
decisions about what numbers to put on the various form-lines -- beyond the
purely mechanical steps. (Any tax-advice must be separate from OTS.)
- Coordinating or managing events - Live teleconferences, help booths, ...
- Other things we did not think of yet -
. . .
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