OpenTaxSolver is available as source-code for compilation on all platforms. Instructions (0_README.txt) and examples are included in all versions.
Versions updated for 2005 tax-year:
Package is a gzip'd tar file. To unpack, tar xvfz OpenTaxSolver2005_3.08.tgz . (Older versions of tar may need two steps:
gunzip ... and tar xvf ... ).
Will unpack into a directory of the same name. (To see contents prior to unpacking, tar tvfz OpenTaxSolver2005_3.08.tgz .)
Please see the 0_Readme.txt file in top directory for instructions about building and running.
(Simple compiling instructions are also included in header comments of all programs.)
Binaries Pre-Compiled for Microsoft Windows PC: - April 2, 2006 - Contains US 1040 Fed taxes, Scheds A, B, C, and D. Also includes state tax programs and templates for California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, New York, and Pennsylvania. All updated for 2005 tax-year. Also contains full source-code to all programs.
Past Year's Versions:
. . . OpenTaxSolver Development Project