May 1, 2023
(Press your browser's Re-Load button to be sure you are seeing the latest version.)
--- This is an older version.
Click here for More Recent Versions (if available) ---
OTS for the 2022 Tax-Year:
Each package contains US 1040 Fed taxes, Scheds 1-3, A-D, and forms 6251, 8949, & 8889 updated for the 2022 tax-year.
It also includes updated State-Tax versions for OH, NC, NJ, NY, VA, PA, MA, and CA.
Each package includes pre-compiled executables for the given platform, as well as
source-code and build-scripts in case re-compiling is ever needed.
For Linux -May 1, 2023
OpenTaxSolver2022_20.05_linux64.tgz (11.9-MB) <-- You probably need this one. [sha1sum=5edb5dceb0af781d8d6000767fdb00bc7b3ec997]
OpenTaxSolver2022_20.05_linux32.tgz (11.8-MB) (To be discontinued soon.) [sha1sum=7cc72cc71fd9c1880f4a1f44ecb55c7c184385e2]
- Package is a gzip'd tar-file. To unpack, tar xfz OpenTaxSolver2022_20.05_linux64.tgz
- Unpacks into a directory of similar name.
- Start by double-clicking or running: ./Run_taxsolve_GUI
For MS-Windows -May 1, 2023
In Zip package ... (17.2-MB) [sha1sum=16509374bc9b565f97d94f3b57cf335ed1985868]
Or in 7zip ...
OpenTaxSolver2022_20.05_mswin.7z (14.9-MB) [sha1sum=08b676b0e54a9212000d3cb1e3a95c939d5cca38]
- Contains compiled binary executables for MS-Windows PCs, with source-code.
- Start by double-clicking: Run_taxsolve_GUI
(This just invokes bin\ots_gui2.)
For Apple Mac-OSx -May 1, 2023
OpenTaxSolver2022_20.05_MacOSx.tgz (16.5-MB) [sha1sum=e4b38e4a77c79a8a8f21a2a7eb9e54325f6ad489]
- Double-click on package to unpack. Navigate to top directory inside.
- Start by clicking: Run_taxsolve_GUI
(The first time, you may need to hold down your control-key while clicking on Run_taxsolve_GUI.
Then click Open in the menu and then again in the small window. Or run from a terminal window.
Newer Macs having M1 or M2 processors, will require Rosetta to be installed from the Apple Store.
For more info, please see Running on Macs.)
For increased security, you can authenticate the contents of your downloaded package by checking the sha1sum.
(A convenient GUI for checking your sha1sum on all platforms is GtkHash.)
Revision History:
v20.05 (5/1/2023) - For Fed-1040 Cap-Gains, added option to specify
'inherited' instead of purchased date or 'various-long'.
In the GUI, for MS-Windows, improved ability to display PDF files
and to switch forms, when file names or paths have unusual
characters in their names, such as spaces, etc..
If Fed-1040 program reads a Cap-Gain spreadsheet, even without
any normal Cap-gains entries, it now forces Schedule-D printing.
v20.04 (3/25/2023) - Fixed VA (Virginia) State tax program's Standard
Deduction to the updated value for the 2022 tax year.
v20.03 (3/15/2023) - Added feature to optionally import
Capital Gain/Loss data for Federal Form 8949 from a Spreadsheet
in Comma-Separated-Value (CSV) or Tab-Separated-Value (TSV)
formats. Just name the file name after the "f8949_spreadsheet:"
tag in the "Schedule D: Capital Gains/Loses" section of your
tax input file.
Updated CA-5805 forms.
Updated Form-2210.
Fix to Fed-1040 AMT worksheet line 19.
Fix to NJ State form program property-tax deduction line H1.
v20.02 (2/25/2023) - Fixed California State tax-formula calculation
for Single-Status. Improved prompts for 1099-R forms of
Pensions, Annuities, abd IRA distributions on Federal 1040 forms.
Fix to NJ State program for line 38 summation.
v20.01 (2/12/2023) - Added user-contributed forms 8829 + 8995. Improved checking in GUI forms-loading.
Added extended Div+Int forms for Fed-1040 PDF.
v20.00 (1/25/2023) - Preliminary release for Tax-Year 2022.
Please check back for updates.
Please provide feedback on any issues or bugs, by emailing to And check back here for updates.