Download OpenTaxSolver

April 18, 2024       (Press your browser's Re-Load button to be sure you are seeing the latest version.)

OTS for the 2023 Tax-Year:

Each package contains US 1040 Fed taxes, Scheds 1-3, A-D, and forms 6251, 8949, & 8889 updated for the 2023 tax-year. It also includes updated State-Tax versions for OH, NC, NJ, NY, VA, PA, MA, AZ, CA, AZ, and several additional Forms. Each package includes pre-compiled executables for the given platform, as well as source-code and build-scripts in case re-compiling is ever needed.

For Linux - Apr 18, 2024
    OpenTaxSolver2023_21.06_linux64.tgz   (13.5-MB)
    - Package is a gzip'd tar-file. To unpack,
            tar xfz OpenTaxSolver2023_21.06_linux64.tgz
    - Unpacks into a directory of similar name.
    - Start by double-clicking or running:   ./Run_taxsolve_GUI
For Chromebooks - Apr 18, 2024
    OpenTaxSolver2023_21.06_linux64.tgz   (13.5-MB)
- See Instructions for running OTS on Chromebooks.
For MS-Windows - Apr 18, 2024
- Same as above, but for MS-Windows:
In Zip package ...   (18.8-MB)
Or in 7zip ...
    OpenTaxSolver2023_21.06_mswin.7z   (16.6-MB)
- Contains compiled binary executables for MS-Windows PCs, with source-code.
- Start by double-clicking:   Run_taxsolve_GUI       (This just invokes bin\ots_gui2.)
For Apple Mac-OSx - Apr 18, 2024
- Same as above, but for Apple Macs:
    OpenTaxSolver2023_21.06_MacOSx.tgz   (18.1-MB)
- Double-click on package to unpack. Navigate to top directory inside.
- Start by clicking:   Run_taxsolve_GUI
(The first time, you will need to mark your new install as trusted by doing the following instructions for Running on Macs. Newer Macs having M1 or M2 processors, may require Rosetta to be installed from the Apple Store.)

For increased security, you can authenticate the contents of your downloaded package by checking the sha1sum. (A convenient GUI for checking your sha1sum on all platforms is GtkHash.)

Revision History:

  • v21.06 (4/18/2024) - To the Massachusetts State Form added Line-6b for
          Farm income, and made Business income Line-6a show up on PDF form.
          As well as an over all clean re-compile of all the intervening updates
          since the prior full release.
  • v21.05c (4/9/2024) - Added to Virginia State the ability to enter Spouse
          VAGI so that it shows up on PDF form.
  • v21.05b (4/6/2024) - Fix to AZ State for filing Single to accept line 4a
          by default.
  • v21.05a (4/5/2024) - Fix to NY State line 7 for the case when there are net
          Capital Losses.
  • v21.05 (4/2/2024) - Fix to Fed 1040 Qualifed Dividends and Capital Gain
          Tax Worksheet
    line 3, for when not filing Schedule-D.
  • v21.04 (3/19/2024) - Completed updating Ohio State Form line changes for
          2023 tax year. Updated Massachusetts State Taxes Line 14 maximum rental
          deduction for 2023. Some other small form clean-ups.
  • v21.03 (3/9/2024) - Small fixes to output Form files for US_1040, CA_540,
          and US_1040_Sched_C. Fixed placement of US_1040_Sched_C Line 27a
          in PDF output. Updated Massachusetts State Taxes Line 14 maximum
          rental deduction for 2023.
  • v21.02 (2/18/2024) - Includes fixes to the California Form-5808 for 2023 updates
          with added WorkSheets in PDF output.
          Adjusted Makefile for compilation on RaspberryPi.
          Added initial version of Sched-8, Form-8812 for "Credits for Qualifying
          Children and Dependents", for preliminary testing.
          Fixed comment in Fed-1040 for age 65, year born from 1958 to 1959.
  • v21.01 (2/12/2024) - In California 540 Adjustments Part II,
          removed line 8d from template and example files,
          which no longer applies for 2023 taxes.
  • v21.00 (2/5/2024) - Preliminary release for Tax-Year 2023.
          Please check back for updates.

Please provide feedback on any issues or bugs, by emailing to And check back here for updates.

Prior Year's Versions:

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