OpenTaxSolver is available as source-code for compilation on all platforms.
Instructions (0_README.txt) and examples are included in all versions.
Versions updated for most recent (2010) tax-year:
USA: For Linux, Posix/Unix -
OpenTaxSolver2010_8.07.tgz (0.41-MB)
- September 7, 2011 - Contains US 1040 Fed taxes, Scheds A, B, C, D, L, and M, updated for 2010 tax-year.
Also includes updated State-Tax versions for CA, VA, OH, NC, NJ, PA, NY, and MA.
Contains source-code with build scripts, and compiled binary executables for Linux PCs. Re-compile if needed.
To start in graphical mode, invoke: ./ Unpacking -
Package is a gzip'd tar-file. To unpack, tar xfz OpenTaxSolver2010_8.07.tgz
Will unpack into a directory of similar name.
Please see the 0_Readme.txt file in top directory for instructions about running or re-building.
(Simple compiling instructions are also included in header comments of all programs.)
USA: For MS-Windows - (0.50-MB)
- September 7, 2011 - Same as above, but zip format for easier unpacking on MS-Windows.
Contains compiled binary executables for MS-Windows PCs. Source-code is also included.
Double-click Run_taxsolve_GUI_mswin.bat to start in graphical mode.
Contains US 1040 Fed taxes, Scheds A, B, C, D, L, and M, updated for 2010 tax-year.
Also includes updated State-Tax versions for CA, VA, OH, NC, NJ, and PA.
Unpack and start by running Run_taxsolve_GUI_mswin.bat .
USA: For Apple Mac-OSx -
OpenTaxSolver2010_8.07_macosx.tgz (0.41-MB)
- September 7, 2011 - Same as above, but contains compiled binary executables for Apple Mac-OSx.
Source-code is also included.
Contains US 1040 Fed taxes, Scheds A, B, C, D, L, and M, updated for 2010 tax-year,
as well as updated State-Tax versions for CA, VA, OH, NC, NJ, NY, and MA.
To start in graphical mode, you must first start the X-windows X-server, then you can invoke the OTS GUI
from an Xterm window with:
(You may need to get and install the
X-windows server.)
Unpacking -
Package is a gzip'd tar-file. To unpack, tar xfz OpenTaxSolver2010_8.07_macosx.tgz
Will unpack into a directory of similar name.
Please see the 0_Readme.txt file in top directory for instructions about running or re-building.
Revision History:
v8.07 (9/7/11) - Fix to Schedule-L, line 6.
v8.06 (4/4/11) - Addtional printouts added to Carry-Over Worksheet
v8.05 (3/28/11) - Enhanced US-1040 AMT worksheet and comments on form 6251 lines 6-27.
v8.04 (3/20/11) - Added Schedule-M to US-1040. Fixed final line of NJ State form.
Made GUI and tax_solver routines quote file names containing spaces.
v8.03 (2/10/11) - Fixed NY State Tax program to read Fed line 9; not 9b. Plus minor GUI improvement.
v8.02 (1/29/11) - Added State Taxes for NY and MA. Made Schedule-L on Fed-1040 always active.
Improvements to GUI include automatic results viewer.
v8.01 (1/17/11) - Added Schedule-L to US-1040. Added State Tax programs for OH, NC, NJ, and PA.
v8.00 (1/9/11) - Initial release for 2010 tax-year. Has US-1040, w/Scheds A, B, C, and D.
Also has State Tax versions for two states: California and Virginia.