Download OpenTaxSolver
April 15, 2016 (Please press Re-Load to assure you are seeing updated page.)
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OpenTaxSolver is available as source-code for compilation on all platforms.
Instructions (0_README.txt) and examples are included in all versions.
Versions for 2015 Tax-Year:
Each package contains US 1040 Fed taxes, Scheds A, B, C, D, and forms 6251 & 8949, updated for 2015 tax-year.
Also includes updated State-Tax versions for CA, NY, MA, VA, OH, NC, NJ, and PA.
Each package includes pre-compiled executables for the given platform, as well as
source-code and build-scripts in case re-compiling is ever needed.
- For Linux - (Select for 32-bit or 64-bit OS.)
OpenTaxSolver2015_13.05_linux32.tgz (3.3-MB)
OpenTaxSolver2015_13.05_linux64.tgz (3.3-MB)
- Apr 15, 2016 - To start in graphical mode, double-click on, or invoke: ./Run_taxsolve_GUI
Unpacking -
Package is a gzip'd tar-file. To unpack, tar xfz OpenTaxSolver2015_13.05_linux32.tgz
Will unpack into a directory of similar name.
- For MS-Windows - (8.5-MB)
- Apr 15, 2016 - Same as above, but zip format for easier unpacking on MS-Windows.
Contains compiled binary executables for MS-Windows PCs. Source-code is also included.
Double-click Run_taxsolve_GUI to start in graphical mode.
(This just invokes msbin\ots_gui2.exe.)
- For Apple Mac-OSx -
OpenTaxSolver2015_13.05_MacOSx.tgz (7.9-MB)
- Apr 15, 2016 - Same as above, but contains executables for Apple Mac-OSX.
Start in graphical mode by clicking Run_taxsolve_GUI
(The first time, you may need to hold down your control-key while clicking on Run_taxsolve_GUI.
Then click Open in the menu and then in the small window.)
Unpacking -
Package is a gzip'd tar-file. To unpack, tar xfz OpenTaxSolver2015_13.00_MacOSx_newGui.tgz
Will unpack into a directory of similar name.
After downloading and unpacking, see the 0_Readme.txt file in top directory for instructions about running or re-building.
Revision History:
- v13.05 (4/15/2016) - Added PDF Form-8949 for "Basis Not Reported".
- v13.04 (4/3/2016) - Made Fed 1040 Shed-D Costs display as positive values.
Fixed Gui path for filling out California PDF forms on MS-Win.
Added auto-fillout entry for Fed 1040 Line 9b.
- v13.03 (3/26/2016) - Fixed display of lines 37+38 of NJ State Form.
Improved GUI saved/computed print-results enable interlock.
For Mac OSx only - added needed run-time libraries that not all Mac users have.
- v13.02 (2/17/2016) - Fixed California line 76. Unified runtime files for MS-Win platform.
Added more XFDF fill-out templates.
- v13.01 (2/12/2016) - Improvements to PDF form fill-out + Gui.
Added auto-fill-out for California and Ohio. Also began adding XFDF fill-out method.
Unified makefiles across all platforms.
- v13.00 (1/29/2016) - Initial release for 2015 tax-year. Contains US-Fed-1040, with
Schedules A, B, C, and D. Handles US Fed form 8949 forms for capital gains/losses.
(The Schedules A, B, D, and Forms 6251 & 8949 answers are all produced automatically from the
Fed 1040 program, so there are not separate programs for those.)
Also includes State Tax versions for Virginia, Ohio, New Jersey, California, North Carolina,
Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania.
This release also contains a new Auto-Fillout option. Saves time by filling out
numbers onto the actual government PDF tax-forms. For enhanced security
you enter your name, address, Soc-Sec number, and mark the check-mark items directly
in your PDF viewer. Auto-Fillout Forms is presently supported for the US-1040 and
three States only at this time. (Other states are not yet supported for auto-fillout.)
If Auto-Fillout is supported, you will see the Auto-Fillout option when you click Print.
Not all PDF viewers are supported, but it seems to work OK
with several of the major viewers. Next to the Auto-Fillout button is a button to select or
change your favorite PDF-Viewer.
Prior Year's Versions:
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