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April 19, 2017       (Please press your browser's Re-Load button to see latest version.)
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OTS Versions updated for the 2016 Tax-Year:
  Each package contains US 1040 Fed taxes, Scheds A, B, C, D, and forms 6251 & 8949, updated for 2016 tax-year. Also includes updated State-Tax versions for CA, NY, MA, VA, OH, NC, NJ, and PA. Each package includes pre-compiled executables for the given platform, as well as source-code and build-scripts in case re-compiling is ever needed.

For Linux - April 19, 2017     (Select for 32-bit or 64-bit OS.)
    OpenTaxSolver2016_14.06_linux32.tgz   (4.3-MB)
    OpenTaxSolver2016_14.06_linux64.tgz   (4.4-MB)
Package is a gzip'd tar-file. To unpack,
      tar xfz OpenTaxSolver2016_14.06_linuxXX.tgz
Unpacks into a directory of similar name.
- Start by double-clicking or running:   ./Run_taxsolve_GUI

For MS-Windows - April 19, 2017   (9.6-MB)
- Same as above, but zip format for easier unpacking on MS-Windows. Contains compiled binary executables for MS-Windows PCs, with source-code.
- Start by double-clicking:   Run_taxsolve_GUI       (This just invokes bin\ots_gui2.)

For Apple Mac-OSx - April 19, 2017
    OpenTaxSolver2016_14.06_MacOSx.tgz   (8.9-MB)
- Same as above, but contains executables for Apple Mac-OSX.
- Double-click on package to unpack. Navigate to top directory inside.
- Start by clicking:   Run_taxsolve_GUI
(The first time, you may need to hold down your control-key while clicking on Run_taxsolve_GUI. Then click Open in the menu and then in the small window. Or run from terminal window.)

For increased security, you can authenticate the contents of your downloaded package by checking the sha1sum. See the correct sha1sum for each package by mousing over it above.

Revision History:

  • v14.06a (4/19/2017) - Minor update. Added missing "showline" to line 13 of California program.
  • v14.06 (4/4/2017) - Fixed PDF Autofillout of NJ Line 29 metadata file.
      - Fixed PDF Autofillout of Form 8949 Longterm checkmark for D/E.
      - Added "various-short" and "various-long" option to cap-gains buy-dates, to better handle the case of securities accumulated over time. Brokerages nowadays report buy dates on 1099 returns in these terms. So now you can enter them this way, to be printed on your return. (Previously you could have entered arbitrary short/long dates. Using the actual terms now records the events more precisely.)
  • v14.05 (3/10/2017) - Fix to Gui Cap-Gains field, which was broken by recent 1040 line-name change.
  • v14.04 (3/3/2017) - Added California Sched-CA "Adjustments" form to auto-fillout.
      Minor GUI updates, and PDF auto-fillout fix-ups for Federal forms.
  • v14.03 (2/24/2017) - Fixed PDF-AutoFillOut for NY + NJ to display on all viewers.
      - Added Massachusetts (MA) + North Carolina (NC) automatic PDF form fillout.
      - Now all State programs report tax-bracket and effective tax-rate for your information.
      - In case of underpayment, shows percent underpaid.
      - PDF forms now place commas in large dollar amounts, except where disallowed.
      - Improved file-browser to prevent common mistakes. Easier, more intuitive.
    On 2/27/2017 a small fix was made for file-browser on the Linux versions.
  • v14.02 (2/18/2017) - Added PDF-AutoFillOut option for NY + NJ State forms.
      - PDF output now forces the "write 0 if zero" lines in CA form.
      - Clarified comment-lines in US-1040 about gains basis reported/not-reported checkboxes.
      - Tax calculations remained stable and were not changed.
  • v14.01 (2/2/2017) - Added filter in PDF-AutoFillOut for bad characters.
      - Right-justified numbers in PDF-AutoFillOut forms.
      - Fix to US-1040 SocSec worksheet.
  • v14.00 (1/27/2017) - Initial release for 2016 tax-year.

Prior Year's Versions:

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